What would be possible if you had clarity and ease in your life?


We often find ourselves foggy and unclear about the important choices in our lives. Even more often, we feel trapped in life circumstances — no options, no choices.

Do you find yourself:

  • lacking clarity about life and/or career choices?
  • trapped by circumstances?
  • disempowered in your relationships with others?
  • procrastinating and hating it?
  • unfulfilled or uninspired?
  • spinning your wheels round and round?


Can you imagine living life:

  • having more clarity about what matters
  • creating healthier relationships
  • with inspiration and vision
  • continually discovering more of your inner magnificence
  • following your calling without incurring a cost to anyone’s life


Windblown leaves



In Possibilities Coaching you will discover how to rise above the fog and find clear answers. You will learn how to distinguish between all the voices that are within you, and gain tools and habits to make choices from your highest voice. You will discover your true gifts and uncover your innate ability to fulfil your calling; all of this, in the scenario of your every day life, as you make better choices.

Individuals and families who have coached with me have discovered:

  • clarity
  • choice
  • direction
  • motivation
  • ease
  • and, the power that lies hidden within


Many of my clients have transformed themselves and their relationships.


All it takes is taking the first step and being open to possibility.

Clover leaves


Coaching with Saba has been a liberating experience; liberating from chains and fetters of (self) imposed constraints. Saba is an attentive, intuitive, caring and empowering coach, with a deep sense of honour for the nobility of the human soul of her client. Her coaching has been a practical vehicle, fuelled by my own resources, throwing light on my own possibilities, helping me read my own realities, and setting me on a wonderful path of life which is mine.

–Dr. Neda Forghani 











Hope. Healing. Transformation.